Creators (ages 10-11) $375 + GST
90 min/week for 11-week term
The Creators move into the world of focused theatre-making, developing improvisation skills
and an awareness of their work as something to be shared with an audience. Combining
script and structure with artistic inspiration, your child learns to be part of an ensemble,
helping to create small-group skits and participating in an informal share at the end of the
session. Students utilize acting, improvisation, writing, sound, and each other to create
an original piece of theatre.
Group 1
January 14 - April 1 (11 Classes) *Note: No class on February 18
Tuesday 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Group 2January 18 - April 5 (11 Classes) *Note: No Class on February 22
Saturday 12:45pm - 2:15pm